List of Signatories
We continue to accept signatures, see contact section for details!
Dr Ashley South, Chiang Mai University
David Scott Mathieson, independent analyst on conflict, peace, human rights and humanitarian issues
Dr Melissa Crouch, Professor and Associate Dean Research, UNSW Faculty of Law and Justice
Dr Matthew J Walton, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto
Adjunct Professor Chris Sidoti, Australian Catholic University, member of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar and formerly member of the UN Independent International Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar
Prof. Michael W. Charney, Chair of Asian and Military History at SOAS, University of London
Kelley E. Currie, former US Ambassador at Large for Global Women’s Issues
Kim Jolliffe, Independent
Philipp Annawitt, Democratic Governance Specialist
Rosalie Metro, University of Missouri-Columbia
Dr Ronan Lee, Queen Mary University of London
Dr. David Brenner, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex
Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein, Department of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin
Prof. Dr. Claudia Derichs, Department of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin
Dr Nick Cheesman, Fellow, Australian National University
Prof. Dr. Judith Beyer. Head of Research Group “Social and Political Anthropology”, University of Konstanz / Myanmar-Institute e.V
Dr. Juliane Schober, Professor, Arizona State University
Dr Jotika Khur-Yearn, SOAS Library, University of London
Tyler Giannini, International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School
Dr. Daniel M. Stuart, Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of South Carolina
Prof. Bridget Anderson, Director Migration Mobilities Bristol, University of Bristol
Isla Glaister, CEO, Business Plan for Peace
Prof. Kate Crosby, King’s College London
Mratt Kyaw Thu, Freelance Journalist
Dr Frances O'Morchoe, Parami Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Angshuman Choudhury, Senior Researcher and Coordinator, South East Asia Research Programme, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi
Dr. Khin Myo Wai, Independent Researcher
Dr Karin Dean, School of Humanities, Tallinn University
Prof. Willem van Schendel, University of Amsterdam
Dr Pavin Chachavalpongpun, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Mikael Gravers, Associate Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, Aarhus University
Dr Jotika Khur-Yearn, SOAS Library, University of London
Dr. Rainer Einzenberger, (Lecturer) Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna
Georg Bauer, Department of History, University of Vienna
Samia Akhter-Khan, Department of Psychology, Humboldt-University of Berlin / Myanmar-Institute e.V.
Carlos Sardiña Galache, independent journalist
Francesco Buscemi, Emerging Research on International Security, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
Dr. Felix Girke, HTWG Konstanz
Manuela Oppenheim-Bohlander, Medical Assistant, Ethnologist, Development cooperation Mingalaba Global Help (support of local NGOs in Myanmar)
Htet Min Lwin, Department of Humanities, York University, Toronto
Dr. François Robinne, Anthropologist, senior researcher at National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Aix-Marseille University, France
Chloé Baills, Department of Religious Studies, Practical School of High Studies (EPHE), France
Dr. Louise Pichard-Bertaux, Institut de recherches asiatiques, CNRS-Aix Marseille University, France
James F. Cerretani, Department of Anthropology, Goldsmiths- University of London
Ye Ni, Irrawaddy News Editor
Dr. Jella Fink, Weltfriedensdienst e.V./ Myanmar-Institut e.V.
Diana M. Tobias, Myanmar-Institut e.V.
Jennyfer Hake, Myanmar-Institut e.V.
Mirja Brand, Weltfriedensdienst e.V.
Johanna Neumann, Department of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin / Myanmar-Institut e.V.
Esther Tenberg, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society / Myanmar-Institut e.V.
Felix Hessler, KURVE Wustrow / Myanmar-Institut e.V.
Judith Kunze, Friedensfachkraft KURVE Wustrow
Hon. Prof. Dr. Nicole Haeusler, University of Sustainable Development, Eberswalde/Germany
Dr Jenny Hedström, Swedish Defence University
Carolin Hirsch, PhD candidate in Social and Political Anthropology, University of Konstanz / Myanmar-Institute e.V.
Benedict Mette-Starke, PhD researcher at Research Group “Social and Political Anthropology”, University of Konstanz / Myanmar-Institute e.V.
Megan Ryan, PhD Candidate in Political Science, University of Michigan
Dr Elizabeth Rhoads, Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund University
AHM Abdul Hai, PhD Researcher, University of Bonn
Dr Amporn Jirattikorn, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University
Dr Kangki Megu, Principal, Indira Gandhi Government College, Arunachal Pradesh
Dr Kerstin Duell, independent political analyst
Phuong Le Trong, Sociologist, Dept. of Southeast Asian Studies, Univ. of Bonn
Laura Faludi, KURVE Wustrow e.V.
Dr Indrė Balčaitė, independent researcher
Georg Winterberger, Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich / Myanmar-Institute e.V.
Dr. Ulrich Kuch, Faculty of Medicine, Goethe University Frankfurt
Matt Schissler, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, University of Michigan
Tony Neil, PhD Candidate in International Development, London School of Economics
Lina Knorr, PhD Candidate at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Ken MacLean, Professor Clark University
Dr Su Lin Lewis, School of Humanities, University of Bristol
Paul Taylor, Independent consultant and policy analyst, Yangon
Dr Jonathan Saha, School of History, University of Leeds
Stephen McNamara, Solicitor, The Tharthi Myay Foundation
Finbarr Sweeney, MSc Student, UCL
Sean Bain, independent legal adviser
Dr Chika Watanabe, University of Manchester
Gustaaf Houtman, Royal Anthropological Institute
Dr. Lisa Brooten, College of Mass Communication and Media Arts, Southern Illinois University
Dr Charlie Thame, Asst. Prof. International Relations, Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University
Gayathry Venkiteswaran, Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham Malaysia
Dr. Stephen Campbell, Nanyang Technological University
Jan-Philipp Sendker, Author
Andrew Dade, PhD Candidate, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto
Dr. Kristina Kironska, Senior Researcher, Palacky University Olomouc
Courtney Wittekind, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University
Dr. Tharaphi Than, Northern Illinois University
Erica Leni, PhD Candidate, DIRPOLIS, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
Alex Moodie, PhD Candidate, Durham University
Mary Kate Long, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University
Maxime Boutry, Social Anthropologist (Ph. D.) and Independent Consultant
Nicolas Salem-Gervais, INALCO, Paris
Danilo Araña Arao, College of Mass Communication, University of the Philippines Diliman
Mike McGovern, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Tony Scott, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto
János Jelen, ambassador (1996-1998), rector, Dharma Gate Buddhist College (2010-2019), Budapest, Hungary
Dr Alexandra Green, Curator for Southeast Asia, British Museum
Liyun Wendy Choo, School of Learning, Development and Professional Practice, University of Auckland
Justine Chambers, Visiting Fellow, School of Culture, History and Languages, Australian National University
Elin Bjarnegård, Department of Government, Uppsala University
Dr Elisabeth Olivius, Department of Political Science, Umeå University, Sweden
Dr. Laura Hornig, Myanmar-Institut e. V.
Kaja Berg Hjukse, PhD Candidate, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo
Dr Laura Hornig, Myanmar-Institut e. V.
Gábor Vargyas, Professor of Anthropology, University of Pécs
Ponpavi Sangsuradej, PhD Candidate. Department of History. SOAS, University of London
Dr Tomas Cole, Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University
Mgr. et Mgr. Dagmar Bečková, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Mgr. Jakub Hrubý, Ph.D., Oriental Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
PhDr. Miroslav Nožina, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Institute of International Relations Prague
Sabe Soe, Executive Director, Burma Center Prague
Sam Baron, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge
Dr Graham Prescott, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern
Corrie Tan, PhD Candidate, National University of Singapore and King’s College London
Prof Martin Krygier AM, Gordon Samuels Professor of Law and Social Theory, UNSW Sydney
Prof Catherine Renshaw, School of Law, Western Sydney University
Dr Adam Czarnota, Associate Professor, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Jonathan Liljeblad, PhD, JD, Senior Lecturer, College of Law, Australian National University
Dr Anne Décobert, School of Social and Political Sciences, the University of Melbourne
Professor Emeritus Joseph Lo Bianco, Melbourne Graduate School of Education
Dr Michael Breen, School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne
Christopher Lamb, President, Australia Myanmar Institute
John Langmore AM, Professorial Fellow and Chair, Initiative for Peacebuilding Board, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne
Sam Maitland, Independent Analyst on Human Rights in Myanmar, Melbourne
Professor Ian Rutherfurd, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Science, The University of Melbourne
Oren Samet, PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley
Catherine Morris, BA, JD, LLM, Research Associate, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, Canada; Executive Director, Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada